Monday, September 13, 2010

This God - His Way is Perfect

I awoke the morning of Thursday, August 26, 2010, with this scripture in my heart:

"This God—his way is perfect;
   the word of the LORD proves true;
   he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him."  
 -Psalm 18:30 (also found in 2 Samuel 22:31) 

This particular Thursday was a big day for the Mendonsa family. It was moving day! Because we resigned from CURE, we had to move out of the house we called home for our first 2 years in Kenya. (I'll write soon about our transition in more detail).  When I awoke with this verse on my heart I believed God was reminding me that the change in houses was not something that should cause me worry or stress.

What a kind and compassionate God to speak to me on moving day!

The day proceeded as all "moving-days" do. There were friends to help, vehicles loaded full, laughter, stress, tears (only me), and then hunger.  Most moving days would conclude with pizza delivered to your door as you sit amidst boxes and bags. Since Kijabe has no pizza delivery service, we did the next best thing and went to dinner at our friend's house.  Afterwards, we returned to our new home with new vigor to begin the unpacking.  Until about 10:00pm when exhaustion took over!

And, still the Lord whispered to my heart..."His way is perfect." Yes, Lord, Your ways are perfect.

My heart full and at peace in our new home, we began the search for contact cases, saline, and toothbrushes to get ready for a night's sleep.

And, then...Bob's phone rang.  There was much confusion for the first several minutes of his conversation with a young man named Peter who works at Naomi's Village. Peter stays the night at Naomi's Village to serve as a watchman over the supplies.  I could only discern that Peter was telling Bob there had been thieves at Naomi's Village. The conversation was obviously full of adrenaline and miscommunications due to our different accents.

By the time Bob and Peter finished talking we knew there had been a robbery at Naomi's Village; Peter had been beaten; the thieves came with a big truck and plans to empty the container of all our tools and supplies; the local villagers had been alerted of a potential robbery and came to the rescue, running the thieves off.  It also appeared it had been an inside job.

"He is a shield for those who take refuge in Him..."

"This God - His way is perfect..."

"The Word of the Lord proves true..."

These phrases, in no particular order anymore, kept pounding through my heart.  God had put these words in my heart for my good at the beginning of this momentous day. God knew and God was preparing me.

What a kind and compassionate God to speak to me the promises I would need to cling to in the upcoming days. His Word in my heart, a light unto my path.

Peter was not badly wounded; the thieves made off with a few items, but nothing like they had intended; it was evident to the villagers as well as our friends in the IDP camp that Naomi's Village belongs to God and He protected His own.  Many of them have since said this very thing to us.

A week later, with the investigation still on-going, Bob, our friend Jillian and I had lunch with Doreen, a dear friend who lives in the IDP camp.  She and Bob began discussing Isaiah 55:9.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
   so are my ways higher than your ways
   and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:9

I sat there in Doreen's tent listening to the two discuss the magnitude of this verse. God pierced my heart again with His sovereignty in all He does. In all He does, He is perfect; in all His ways, He is perfect; in all His thoughts, He is perfect; and His ways are higher - extending beyond the normal; extending beyond me.

The real beauty came when I understood God had put His thoughts on my heart the very morning of the Naomi's Village robbery. His thoughts - His higher thoughts. "My way is perfect, Julie.  Take refuge in me, I will be your shield."  And, then another verse flooded my heart,

"Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him." 
Matthew 6:8

I realized that the words God spoke to me the morning of Aug. 26 were so powerful because I knew them to be true. The words came from Him through the Scripture He left for us. There are songs, poems, and literature that have deep meaning, bring comfort, or a heart of worship. But, they don't carry the same power as the Word of God. Because He spoke His very Word to my heart, there has been no doubt in my mind or heart about that night; about what could have happened; about the days yet to come. God was and is the shield. His way is perfect.

It would be amazing if I awoke every morning with a promise from the Lord on my heart. A promise put there by Him for my good.  What I do know is for God to speak His Word to my heart, I must know His Word. I must meditate on it; dwell upon it; savor it; treasure it.  I must allow time in my day to hear Him speak. And, when He whispers His Word on my heart...I'll know His Word proves true.

This God—his way is perfect;
   the word of the LORD proves true;
   he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.


  1. That just gave me goose-bumps and tears. God is so good! :)

  2. The challenge of learning to truly trust in Him and His Word. His highest blessings and provision be yours!

  3. i loved reading this and being able to put faces with names.... miss you already!!!!!
