Friday, November 5, 2010

It Takes A Village

It takes a whole village to raise a child.   -Nigerian Proverb 

One knee does not bring up a child.   -Tanzanian Proverb 

One hand does not nurse a child.   -East African Proverb

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.  If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.     -Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Last week I was at Naomi's Village surveying the progress, pondering all that has happened over this past year and I asked myself if, given the chance to wipe the slate clean, would I do this all over again. Knowing what I know now, recognizing the heartaches and the celebrations that we have experienced; thinking of the joys and pains yet to this really what I want to be doing. It was good for me to ask this question and search for the honest answer.

As I looked at the beautiful building that has grown out of what was once a dry, dirt field that appeared to have no hope; as I surveyed the colorful mountainside, dotted with yellow acacia trees and purple jacarandas; as I strained to hear what will one day be the laughter and tears of the children who will live at Naomi's Village...the answer to the question "would I do this all over again" was a resounding YES!
It has not been an easy process, and we are not finished yet. But, over these past 12 months God has taught me much about who He is and who I am. He has shown Himself to be faithful and true.  Above all else, God has proven to me that He is the exceedingly great reward - not the beautiful building; not the children who will live there - but God Himself. 

God has also brought amazing people into our lives.  We would not be here following this calling without the love and prayers from so very many of you. The building would not be there without the financial giving, the hands-on help, and the prayers of so many of you.  Our faith that Naomi's Village will begin taking in children soon would not be so strong if we didn't have such a "village" helping us.  

It is our sincere hope that Naomi's Village will be ready to bring children home in January 2011. There is still much to be done and every day it seems we add as much to our to-do list as we cross off.  Surely, you know that feeling!

We have been both humbled and encouraged by the many of you who have rallied around this cause. Thank you for your efforts and we pray you'll know they are not in vain.
I continue to ask for your help. Please prayerfully consider how you can continue to help or how you can become an integral part of Naomi's Village.

You can help by:

1. Prayer!
A specific need we have right now is for the electricity to be connected. We've been working with Kenya Power & Light for a year now. We've paid the standard fee of $500. Now we have been told that it will cost approx. $15,000 for them to connect us. If we have to pay this amount it will delay the opening of NV as we'll be out of money. We have a meeting with KP&L on Monday, Nov. 8. Please pray for God's favor, for honest people at KP&L, and that we'll be connected with no further fees!

2.  Attend Kenya Skate!

Saturday, November 6 · 10:00am - 12:00pm

Interskate Roller Rink in Lewisville
1408 S State Highway 121
Lewisville, TX
Saturday, November 6th
10am - 12pm
Entry fee: $10 adults $5 children (checks and cash only) covers skates

Bring your friends and family and come skate with us to raise money for children in Kenya! The money goes to Naomi's Village and will help provide beds for 110 kids.

3.  Consider hosting a fundraiser yourself. I know this may be uncomfortable but, it is not raising money for us or for yourself. The money is for children in Kenya who have no home.  We are trying to get NV furnished, so you can host a house-warming party of sorts! Fundraisers can vary from an intimate dinner party to a, well, skate party! I'm happy to share ideas with you and help as I can from here.

4.  Donate. Your contribution will help us get this home ready for children. There are 700 children orphaned a day in Kenya. That is 1 new orphan every 2 minutes.

Donations for Naomi’s Village:
Donations are tax-deductible and can be made by check:

Lost Orphans International
P.O. Box 1388
McKinney, TX 75070

*Please write “Naomi’s Village-Kenya” on the memo line!

Please take just a few minutes to watch this video so you'll know why we're builidng Naomi's Village. 

1 comment:

  1. Julie - I've been following your blog recently and I'm continuing to pray for you, your family and Naomi's Village. It's great to see how God has blessed this project and we will rejoice in the day when it is finished being built! :-)
